We’re sorry if an unfortunate event occurred before or during your travels. However, we are here to help. If an event covered by your policy interfered with your trip, simply file a claim and provide the necessary supporting documents. We will process your claim quickly and will be available to answer any questions you have.
The fastest way to open a claim is to use our eClaim Portal but you can also reach out to us by email or Whatsapp !

Customer Service/Complaints

From 8am to 8pm (GST) Monday to Friday:

Telephone: +971 4 270 8705

Email: [email protected]

Whatsapp: +971 56 2164563 

Open or follow up on a claim

From 8am to 8pm (GST) Monday to Friday:

Online Claim (24/7): File a claim

Email: [email protected]

WhatsApp: +971 56 216 4563

24h Emergency Medical Assistance

For 24-hour Medical Emergency:

Telephone: +971 4 270 8705

Whatsapp: +971 56 216 4563

Email: [email protected]